Salmon & Salmon Oil
Salmon & Salmon oil supports the immune system, decrease inflammation and is said to help keep dog’s & cat’s coats shiny & healthy. Known as one of the superfoods for both humans and animals, Salmon is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, proteins, and vitamins. The primary omega-3 fats found in salmon oil, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), are important to our pet’s diet. Without Omega-3, some dogs may face deficiencies that lead to allergies, lower immune system, dull coat, or increased shedding. Salmon is not only a good source of Omega-3 & protein, dogs & cats are known to find it delicious!
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Perkytails's Pure Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil For Dogs and Cats
Perkytails Pure Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil is a great supplement for both dogs and cats!
Rich in Omega-3, Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil helps promote silky...